From the comments section of an article below posted in the Burmese higher
education on-line magazine "Maukkha" (it makes professor in Burmese), a tip
led to "Dr. Chit Nge", another charlatan or a fool (if he does not know that a
degree has to be earned and not bought) with PhD bought from diploma mill.
A quick look at his web site shows below:
'ဆရာသည္ သိပၸံဘာသာရပ္တြင္ Theoretical Physis ႏွင့္ Cosmology တို႔ကို အထူးအေလးေပးေလ့လာခဲ့ရာ (၂၀၀၆) ခုႏွစ္ ဒီဇင္ဘာလ (၄) ရက္တြင္ Philosophy in Religious Sciences ဘာသာရပ္ျဖင့္ ပညာေရးေဒါက္တာဘြဲ႔ကို အဂၤလန္ႏိုင္ငံ Cloverfield University (LONDON) မွ ရရွိခဲ့ပါသည္။' [Source: Personal web site at URL]
The problem is that there is no UK University named "Cloverfield University" in London or greater London area. See the map of British universities from an ex-polytechnic university
(a post 1992 uni are still recognized British universities) in UK. Check yourself in this URL: Can you find "Cloverfield University" in UK?
So it is likely that "Dr." title in Mr. Chit Nge is a fake as he might have bought a fake PhD from a diploma mill with a UK P.O. Box or postal address!
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Dr. Chit Nge, PhD, a diploma mill with a UK address?
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Dr. Zarni or Mister Zarni with a Master Degree?
No one earns a PhD without writing a PhD thesis which counts
for 50% of US and Canadian PhDs and 100% of PhDs in UK.
Not every PhD graduates can publish peer reviewed academic
papers in academic journals and therefore the only output of a
doctoral candidate is a PhD thesis, that may be his life long work
or just a scholarly answer empirically or experimentally validated
to satisfy the scholarly quest about the research question he/she
has engaged in 4 to 8 years of doctoral candidacy. Since almost
all universities are trying to raise their profiles their profiles, every
PhD dissertation done at North American universities are listed
and full text are available via PMI ProQuest to which most unis
around the world subscribe to. So if you cannot find a PhD thesis
via PMI ProQuest, you can be almost sure, the candidate has not
completed PhD thesis and without completing thesis, she cannot be
styled as a "Dr". A PhD thesis is not a normal thesis. A thesis can
be a comprehensive essay with scholarly quotings and referencing,
but for a PhD thesis, there is a thesis committee and it goes along
with a scholar for years even after he earned a doctorate degree.
Therefore, since there are no PhD thesis as Mr. ZarNi claims in
his employer web site, for there are no degree earned under the
names "Maung Zarni", "Zarni", nor "Zar Ni" from UW Wisconsin
at Madison, it is almost certain that "Dr." prefix in "Dr. Zarni" is
self styled and he should call himself "Mr. Maung Zarni". However
since he has earned a Master degree. He can call himself Master
Mister Zarni but no sane person who has earned a Master degree
call himself as Master XYZ although technically they are allowed
to call themselves. See the evidence below:
From: Alexandra Walter <>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 13:32:57 -0600
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Askmem-l] XXXXXXX on Zarni or Maung Zarni
To: XXXXXXX < XXXXXXX xxx@xxxxx>
I'm not finding anyone by that name either, but I'm afraid that's not
much of a confirmation for you. Recently a PhD called me asking for
information, and it took several tries with different spellings before I
could find his name.
On 11/9/2011 2:15 AM, XXXXXXX wrote:
> Dear Dr Alexandra Walter,
> Thank you very much for your reply.
> I've found slight variation of his spelling from the thesis I've
> downloaded from the following link as suggested by UW Madison library.
> His name is spelled as "Zar Ni".
> Now, may I ask you a favour to confirm whether any one named "Zar Ni"
> has earned his PhD from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where
> he supposedly wrote his thesis titled 'Knowledge, Control and Power:
> The Politics of Education in Burma under Military Rule' (1962-88)' as
> cited in his job page link below?
> Thank you very much.
> Yours sincerely,
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:20 AM, Alexandra Walter
> < <>> wrote:
> Dear XXXXXXX ,
> We do not find anyone by that name in our records, but there could
> have been a name change or a slightly different spelling. Please
> ask the person to provide an official transcript with the degree
> posted on it.
> --
> Alexandra Walter, PhD
> Degree Coordinator
> Graduate School
> 217 Bascom Hall
> 500 Lincoln Drive
> Madison, WI 53706-1380
> 608-262-3011 <tel:608-262-3011>
> <>
> FAX608-2626742 <tel:608-2626742>
> On 11/4/2011 8:30 PM, XXXXXXX wrote:
>> Dear Sir/Madam,
>> Could you please confirm to me that any one named Zarni or Maung Zarni
>> has earned his PhD from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where
>> he supposedly wrote his thesis titled 'Knowledge, Control and Power:
>> The Politics of Education in Burma under Military Rule' (1962-88)' as
>> cited in his job page link below?
>> Please see the reply from the UW Madison library that they cannot find
>> his thesis. I understand that copy of the unpublished thesis is completed
>> in 1998, as quoted in the reference section of a book chapter. It is referenced
>> as below.
>> Zarni 1998, Knowledge, control, and power: the politics of education under
>> Burma’s military dictatorship (1962–88), Unpublished thesis, University of
>> Wisconsin, Madison.
>> []
>> What I understand is that he completed his unpublished dissertation in 1998.
>> Since the UW Madison web site []
>> stated as follows:
>> 'Full-text PDF files of UW-Madison doctoral dissertations completed
>> 1997 or later are available through ProQuest Digital Dissertations.'
>> So that rose suspicions in me that he did not graduate with PhD as he
>> claims in his web site.
>> Thank you very much,
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Steven Baumgart* <
>> <>>
>> Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:47 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Askmem-l] XXXXXXX
>> To: XXXXXXX xxxx@xxxxxxx
>> Cc: <>
>> I am not able to find a copy of that dissertation in any of the
>> library systems. I did find a copy at:
>> I do not have access to graduation records so cannot confirm or
>> deny his PhD for UW-Madison. You will likely need to contact the
>> graduate school directly about his degree status:
>> I hope this is helpful. If you have further questions, let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> ***************
>> Steven Baumgart
>> Instruction Coordinator
>> Memorial Library Room 276
>> University of Wisconsin-Madison
>> 728 State Street, Madison WI 53706
>> Email: <>
>> Phone: (608)262-3647 <tel:%28608%29262-3647>
>> ***************
>> On 11/03/2011 09:42 PM, XXXXXXX xxx@xxxxx wrote:
>> UW-Madison
>> Campus Wide Email Reference Form
>> Reference Question from: XXXXXXX
>> Email:mailto: XXXXXXX xxx@ XXXXXXX
>> Patron Type: non-affiliated - A general reader about Burmese
>> (Myanmar) political affairs
>> Patron Location: Rangoon (Yangon), Burma (Myanmar)
>> Question: Could you please confirm to me that any one named
>> Zarni or Maung Zarni has earned his PhD from the University
>> of Wisconsin at Madison where he supposedly wrote his thesis
>> titled 'Knowledge, Control and Power: The Politics of
>> Education in Burma under Military Rule' (1962-88)' as cited
>> in his job page link below?
>> If so, how can I download a soft-copy of his thesis? Many Thanks
>> Nature of Project:
>> Sources Checked:
Alexandra Walter, PhD
Degree Coordinator
Graduate School
217 Bascom Hall
500 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1380
FAX 608-2626742
for 50% of US and Canadian PhDs and 100% of PhDs in UK.
Not every PhD graduates can publish peer reviewed academic
papers in academic journals and therefore the only output of a
doctoral candidate is a PhD thesis, that may be his life long work
or just a scholarly answer empirically or experimentally validated
to satisfy the scholarly quest about the research question he/she
has engaged in 4 to 8 years of doctoral candidacy. Since almost
all universities are trying to raise their profiles their profiles, every
PhD dissertation done at North American universities are listed
and full text are available via PMI ProQuest to which most unis
around the world subscribe to. So if you cannot find a PhD thesis
via PMI ProQuest, you can be almost sure, the candidate has not
completed PhD thesis and without completing thesis, she cannot be
styled as a "Dr". A PhD thesis is not a normal thesis. A thesis can
be a comprehensive essay with scholarly quotings and referencing,
but for a PhD thesis, there is a thesis committee and it goes along
with a scholar for years even after he earned a doctorate degree.
Therefore, since there are no PhD thesis as Mr. ZarNi claims in
his employer web site, for there are no degree earned under the
names "Maung Zarni", "Zarni", nor "Zar Ni" from UW Wisconsin
at Madison, it is almost certain that "Dr." prefix in "Dr. Zarni" is
self styled and he should call himself "Mr. Maung Zarni". However
since he has earned a Master degree. He can call himself Master
Mister Zarni but no sane person who has earned a Master degree
call himself as Master XYZ although technically they are allowed
to call themselves. See the evidence below:
From: Alexandra Walter <>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 13:32:57 -0600
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Askmem-l] XXXXXXX on Zarni or Maung Zarni
To: XXXXXXX < XXXXXXX xxx@xxxxx>
I'm not finding anyone by that name either, but I'm afraid that's not
much of a confirmation for you. Recently a PhD called me asking for
information, and it took several tries with different spellings before I
could find his name.
On 11/9/2011 2:15 AM, XXXXXXX wrote:
> Dear Dr Alexandra Walter,
> Thank you very much for your reply.
> I've found slight variation of his spelling from the thesis I've
> downloaded from the following link as suggested by UW Madison library.
> His name is spelled as "Zar Ni".
> Now, may I ask you a favour to confirm whether any one named "Zar Ni"
> has earned his PhD from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where
> he supposedly wrote his thesis titled 'Knowledge, Control and Power:
> The Politics of Education in Burma under Military Rule' (1962-88)' as
> cited in his job page link below?
> Thank you very much.
> Yours sincerely,
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:20 AM, Alexandra Walter
> < <>> wrote:
> Dear XXXXXXX ,
> We do not find anyone by that name in our records, but there could
> have been a name change or a slightly different spelling. Please
> ask the person to provide an official transcript with the degree
> posted on it.
> --
> Alexandra Walter, PhD
> Degree Coordinator
> Graduate School
> 217 Bascom Hall
> 500 Lincoln Drive
> Madison, WI 53706-1380
> 608-262-3011 <tel:608-262-3011>
> <>
> FAX608-2626742 <tel:608-2626742>
> On 11/4/2011 8:30 PM, XXXXXXX wrote:
>> Dear Sir/Madam,
>> Could you please confirm to me that any one named Zarni or Maung Zarni
>> has earned his PhD from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where
>> he supposedly wrote his thesis titled 'Knowledge, Control and Power:
>> The Politics of Education in Burma under Military Rule' (1962-88)' as
>> cited in his job page link below?
>> Please see the reply from the UW Madison library that they cannot find
>> his thesis. I understand that copy of the unpublished thesis is completed
>> in 1998, as quoted in the reference section of a book chapter. It is referenced
>> as below.
>> Zarni 1998, Knowledge, control, and power: the politics of education under
>> Burma’s military dictatorship (1962–88), Unpublished thesis, University of
>> Wisconsin, Madison.
>> []
>> What I understand is that he completed his unpublished dissertation in 1998.
>> Since the UW Madison web site []
>> stated as follows:
>> 'Full-text PDF files of UW-Madison doctoral dissertations completed
>> 1997 or later are available through ProQuest Digital Dissertations.'
>> So that rose suspicions in me that he did not graduate with PhD as he
>> claims in his web site.
>> Thank you very much,
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Steven Baumgart* <
>> <>>
>> Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:47 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Askmem-l] XXXXXXX
>> To: XXXXXXX xxxx@xxxxxxx
>> Cc: <>
>> I am not able to find a copy of that dissertation in any of the
>> library systems. I did find a copy at:
>> I do not have access to graduation records so cannot confirm or
>> deny his PhD for UW-Madison. You will likely need to contact the
>> graduate school directly about his degree status:
>> I hope this is helpful. If you have further questions, let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> ***************
>> Steven Baumgart
>> Instruction Coordinator
>> Memorial Library Room 276
>> University of Wisconsin-Madison
>> 728 State Street, Madison WI 53706
>> Email: <>
>> Phone: (608)262-3647 <tel:%28608%29262-3647>
>> ***************
>> On 11/03/2011 09:42 PM, XXXXXXX xxx@xxxxx wrote:
>> UW-Madison
>> Campus Wide Email Reference Form
>> Reference Question from: XXXXXXX
>> Email:mailto: XXXXXXX xxx@ XXXXXXX
>> Patron Type: non-affiliated - A general reader about Burmese
>> (Myanmar) political affairs
>> Patron Location: Rangoon (Yangon), Burma (Myanmar)
>> Question: Could you please confirm to me that any one named
>> Zarni or Maung Zarni has earned his PhD from the University
>> of Wisconsin at Madison where he supposedly wrote his thesis
>> titled 'Knowledge, Control and Power: The Politics of
>> Education in Burma under Military Rule' (1962-88)' as cited
>> in his job page link below?
>> If so, how can I download a soft-copy of his thesis? Many Thanks
>> Nature of Project:
>> Sources Checked:
Alexandra Walter, PhD
Degree Coordinator
Graduate School
217 Bascom Hall
500 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1380
FAX 608-2626742
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Dr. Nay Zin Latt, PhD (from which university?) , DBA (university?)
Other two members in the political advisory board are Ye Tint and
Dr. Nay Zin Latt, both former military officers—with Ye Tint, the
managing director of a government-backed printing and publishing
enterprise, and Nay Zin Latt, an executive member of the Burma '
Hoteliers’ Association.'
So the news says Dr. U Myint, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley) and there is
Dr. Nay Zin Latt. I wonder is he a medical doctor or PhD doctor
or a fake doctor. So I searched and I did not get something hard
but there are some evidence. See what is quoted from a document
posted on the web. See below.
'Name: Dr. Nay Zin Latt
Education: B.Arch, H.G.P, DA, Dip. Eng, MBA, EMBA, DBA (UK),
DBA (US), Ph.D'
Where did Dr. Nay Zin Latt earn his DBAs and PhD? Diploma mills?
That is the questions normally raised to someone who knows a bit.
When you earn a PhD, you write the name of the university and not
the country where the university is located. And generally speaking,
highest degree you have earned normally come first. So the proper
way for expressing and addressing himself will be as follows:
"Dr. X, PhD (UC Irvine), MBA (UC Berkeley), MBBS (Yangon)"
or "Dr. X, DBA (Harvard), MSc (Cornell), MBBS (Yangon)".
While I will give benefits of doubts to the presidential advisor, I think
he is also a fake doctor who has purchased papers from diploma mills.
Dr. Nay Zin Latt, both former military officers—with Ye Tint, the
managing director of a government-backed printing and publishing
enterprise, and Nay Zin Latt, an executive member of the Burma '
Hoteliers’ Association.'
So the news says Dr. U Myint, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley) and there is
Dr. Nay Zin Latt. I wonder is he a medical doctor or PhD doctor
or a fake doctor. So I searched and I did not get something hard
but there are some evidence. See what is quoted from a document
posted on the web. See below.
'Name: Dr. Nay Zin Latt
Education: B.Arch, H.G.P, DA, Dip. Eng, MBA, EMBA, DBA (UK),
DBA (US), Ph.D'
Where did Dr. Nay Zin Latt earn his DBAs and PhD? Diploma mills?
That is the questions normally raised to someone who knows a bit.
When you earn a PhD, you write the name of the university and not
the country where the university is located. And generally speaking,
highest degree you have earned normally come first. So the proper
way for expressing and addressing himself will be as follows:
"Dr. X, PhD (UC Irvine), MBA (UC Berkeley), MBBS (Yangon)"
or "Dr. X, DBA (Harvard), MSc (Cornell), MBBS (Yangon)".
While I will give benefits of doubts to the presidential advisor, I think
he is also a fake doctor who has purchased papers from diploma mills.
Friday, 18 November 2011
PhD (Alternativa Medicina), Medicina Alternativa International, Sri Lanka
In 2011, one incumbent member of Burmese federal parliament who claims
that he holds a PhD (Alternativa Medicina), Medicina Alternativa International,
Sri Lanka. While "Alternativa Medicina" or "Alternative Medicine" in English
means it is not evidence based modern medicine practice, that Sri Lankan based
Medicina Alternativa International is a diploma mill that will sell degrees for a fee.
Read below:
'Diploma mills that sell M.D. degrees seem particularly dangerous.
Lord Pandit Prof. Dr. Sir Anton Jayasuriya (1930-2005) of Sri Lanka
created Medicina Alternativa International in Sri Lanka and claimed
to be affiliated with The Open International University [presumably
to be confused with the Open University of Sri Lanka]. He sold diplomas
for various fields. I have a copy of his charge list for 1962.
For $3,750 USD one could buy any of the following degrees: M.D. (M.A.),
M.D. (T.M.), Dr. Ac., or Ph.D. These letters stand for Doctor of Medicine
(Alternativa Medicina), Doctor of Medicine (Traditional Medicine),
Doctor of Acupuncture, and Doctor of Philosophy. Registration was an
extra $1,000. The M.Ac.F. cost $100. The letters stand for Membership of
Acupuncture Foundation. The D.Ac. cost $145; those letters do not stand
for Doctor of Acupuncture, as you might think, but for "International
College Diploma," whatever that might be. Freddy Dahlgren, the inventor
of microacupuncture, bought his degrees from Lord Pandit. Dahlgren
follows his last name with a string of letters: D.Sc., D.Ac., M.Ac.F.,
M.D. Jeffrey Dummett, an Australian naturopath who bought his doctorate
from the Sri Lanka diploma mill was charged with manslaughter
in the death of a 37-year-old kidney patient. His natural detoxification
program took 11kg off his patient in 10 days and hastened the patient's
death, according to the prosecutor.'
that he holds a PhD (Alternativa Medicina), Medicina Alternativa International,
Sri Lanka. While "Alternativa Medicina" or "Alternative Medicine" in English
means it is not evidence based modern medicine practice, that Sri Lankan based
Medicina Alternativa International is a diploma mill that will sell degrees for a fee.
Read below:
'Diploma mills that sell M.D. degrees seem particularly dangerous.
Lord Pandit Prof. Dr. Sir Anton Jayasuriya (1930-2005) of Sri Lanka
created Medicina Alternativa International in Sri Lanka and claimed
to be affiliated with The Open International University [presumably
to be confused with the Open University of Sri Lanka]. He sold diplomas
for various fields. I have a copy of his charge list for 1962.
For $3,750 USD one could buy any of the following degrees: M.D. (M.A.),
M.D. (T.M.), Dr. Ac., or Ph.D. These letters stand for Doctor of Medicine
(Alternativa Medicina), Doctor of Medicine (Traditional Medicine),
Doctor of Acupuncture, and Doctor of Philosophy. Registration was an
extra $1,000. The M.Ac.F. cost $100. The letters stand for Membership of
Acupuncture Foundation. The D.Ac. cost $145; those letters do not stand
for Doctor of Acupuncture, as you might think, but for "International
College Diploma," whatever that might be. Freddy Dahlgren, the inventor
of microacupuncture, bought his degrees from Lord Pandit. Dahlgren
follows his last name with a string of letters: D.Sc., D.Ac., M.Ac.F.,
M.D. Jeffrey Dummett, an Australian naturopath who bought his doctorate
from the Sri Lanka diploma mill was charged with manslaughter
in the death of a 37-year-old kidney patient. His natural detoxification
program took 11kg off his patient in 10 days and hastened the patient's
death, according to the prosecutor.'
Unfortunately next spot go to deceased Mr. Naing Pan Hla
'Nai Pan Hla was born in 1923 in Kawkareik Township, Karen State.
He received his Bachelors of Science and Ph.D from Pacific Western
University in America.'
Mon Cultural Anthropologist Passes Away
See what is Pacific Western University or PWU
'Moreover, diploma mills and other unaccredited schools modify their
billing practices so students can obtain payments for degrees by the
federal government. Purporting to be a prospective student, our
investigator placed telephone calls to three schools that award
academic credits based on life experience and require no classroom
instruction: Barrington University (Mobile, Alabama); Lacrosse
University (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi); and Pacific Western University
(Los Angeles, California). These schools each charge a flat fee for a
degree. For example, fees for degrees for domestic students at Pacific
Western University are as follows: Bachelor of Science ($2,295);
Master's Degree in Business Administration ($2,395); and PhD ($2,595).
School representatives emphasized to our undercover investigator that
they are not in the business of providing, and do not permit students
to enroll for, individual courses or training.' See the source below:
"Diploma Mills Are Easily Created, and Some Have Issued
Bogus Degrees to Federal Employees at Government Expense",
Testimony before the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness,
Committee on Education and the Workforce, House of Representatives
Robert J. Cramer, Managing Director
GAO Office of Special Investigations
Report # GAO-04-1096T
September 23, 2004
He received his Bachelors of Science and Ph.D from Pacific Western
University in America.'
Mon Cultural Anthropologist Passes Away
See what is Pacific Western University or PWU
'Moreover, diploma mills and other unaccredited schools modify their
billing practices so students can obtain payments for degrees by the
federal government. Purporting to be a prospective student, our
investigator placed telephone calls to three schools that award
academic credits based on life experience and require no classroom
instruction: Barrington University (Mobile, Alabama); Lacrosse
University (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi); and Pacific Western University
(Los Angeles, California). These schools each charge a flat fee for a
degree. For example, fees for degrees for domestic students at Pacific
Western University are as follows: Bachelor of Science ($2,295);
Master's Degree in Business Administration ($2,395); and PhD ($2,595).
School representatives emphasized to our undercover investigator that
they are not in the business of providing, and do not permit students
to enroll for, individual courses or training.' See the source below:
"Diploma Mills Are Easily Created, and Some Have Issued
Bogus Degrees to Federal Employees at Government Expense",
Testimony before the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness,
Committee on Education and the Workforce, House of Representatives
Robert J. Cramer, Managing Director
GAO Office of Special Investigations
Report # GAO-04-1096T
September 23, 2004
Dr. Khin Shwe with (bought) PhDs from Diploma Mills
Read Mr. Khin Shwe's profile from his company's site below:
'Dr. Khin Shwe, a very successful Engineer, Contractor and
a Developer, has since 1970s gained the vast experience in
construction project of many government buildings, roads
and bridges. With his expertise, Zaykabar has set impressive
track records in construction industry and real estate property
development. He is also actively involved in other business &
social activities...
Medals and Awards
5) Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration .
Washington University ( U.S.A) in 1998.
6) Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration.
Southern California University (U.S.A) in 1998.'
First, we check whether did he earned a honorary PhD from UW,
but UW denied, the Washington University which is at St.Louis.
"University settles suit to stop business from using its name"
What does it mean? That means Mr. Khin Shwe has not earned a honorary
Ph.D. doctorate degree from the UW, Washington University at St. Louis
but a for-profit diploma mill which will sell degree scroll for your dog if you
can pay 6,000 dollars for your little doggy. See below:
' "Washington University of the United States of America"
( is actually an unaccredited degree-mill, incorporated
in Hawaii, but operating from a post office box in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
It offers "Ph.D.s" for sale at prices ranging from $3,600 to $6,000.'
Let's see another PhD from Southern California University. It is not prestigious
University of Southern California (USC) but a fake diploma mill named itself as
Southern California University to confuse with well regarded institution USC.
'On trial were the seven perpetrators of a long string of degree mills, most recently
including Roosevelt University, Loyola University, Cromwell University, University
of England at Oxford, Lafayette University, DePaul University, and Southern
California University, as well as several fake accrediting agencies.'[Source:
Degree Mills, John Bear and Mariah Bear,]
Therefore, it can be concluded that Mr. Khin Shwe has duely earned top spot
in this "Hall of Shame" for fake doctors.
'Dr. Khin Shwe, a very successful Engineer, Contractor and
a Developer, has since 1970s gained the vast experience in
construction project of many government buildings, roads
and bridges. With his expertise, Zaykabar has set impressive
track records in construction industry and real estate property
development. He is also actively involved in other business &
social activities...
Medals and Awards
5) Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration .
Washington University ( U.S.A) in 1998.
6) Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration.
Southern California University (U.S.A) in 1998.'
First, we check whether did he earned a honorary PhD from UW,
but UW denied, the Washington University which is at St.Louis.
"University settles suit to stop business from using its name"
What does it mean? That means Mr. Khin Shwe has not earned a honorary
Ph.D. doctorate degree from the UW, Washington University at St. Louis
but a for-profit diploma mill which will sell degree scroll for your dog if you
can pay 6,000 dollars for your little doggy. See below:
' "Washington University of the United States of America"
( is actually an unaccredited degree-mill, incorporated
in Hawaii, but operating from a post office box in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
It offers "Ph.D.s" for sale at prices ranging from $3,600 to $6,000.'
Let's see another PhD from Southern California University. It is not prestigious
University of Southern California (USC) but a fake diploma mill named itself as
Southern California University to confuse with well regarded institution USC.
'On trial were the seven perpetrators of a long string of degree mills, most recently
including Roosevelt University, Loyola University, Cromwell University, University
of England at Oxford, Lafayette University, DePaul University, and Southern
California University, as well as several fake accrediting agencies.'[Source:
Degree Mills, John Bear and Mariah Bear,]
Therefore, it can be concluded that Mr. Khin Shwe has duely earned top spot
in this "Hall of Shame" for fake doctors.
Contact blogger "burmese (.) withfakephds (@)
The purpose of the blog is to expose fake Burmese Doctors.
Reach me "burmese (dot) withfakephds (at) gmail(dot)"
Reach me "burmese (dot) withfakephds (at) gmail(dot)"
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