Thursday, 26 July 2012

Val Patterson confessed his fake PhD in own obituary

'That's not the only secret [Val] Patterson had to share. He [has] revealed that
his Ph.D. from the University of Utah was not legitimate. An office worker
allegedly made a filing error that resulted in Patterson mistakenly receiving
a diploma in the mail.'

Val Patterson Obituary: Man Confesses To Stealing Safe, Having Fake PhD

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What is a PhD dissertation and what is ProQuest UMI?

Not only this humble blogger with 2 Doctorates and 3 Masters,
why researchers such as investigative journalists also rely
on PMI Proquest. Following is the words of the researcher
from the story about Hien Tran, the California Air Resources
Board (CARB) scientist, the lead author of CARB regulation

'ProQuest UMI Dissertation Publishing has been publishing
dissertations and theses since 1938 and has published over
2 million graduate works from graduate schools around the

Air board investigating whether lead scientist on diesel
regs lied about his Ph.D.

In addition to those diploma-mill paper buyers like (fake?)
Dr.Tran, if readers may remember for this blogger discussed
in his earlier posts, there are fakers who chose not to buy
a paper from a cerificate but fake the diploma of those big
named universities. In other words, if you dare to break the
criminal laws, you can buy a Harvard PhD certificate from a
forger via online. Even if you are seeing the diploma paper,
the diploma on a person's wall, it still can be a Photoshop
manipulated, a doctored image printed in colour and framed.

For reasons above, to verify whether someone has earned a PhD,
one has no choice but to look for a doctorate (that means PhD)
thesis which is supposed to be written by the suspected holder.

There is another trick in a faker's portfolio of faking tools,
that is to write something crappy, make it about 100 pages.
A doctoral thesis is the condensed compilation of 4 years work
after a 4 or 5 years first degree. That is why it is called a
thesis, a thesis of life-time pursuit for a scholar which is
supposed to widen the field of practice, the body of knowledge.

So now the question is what a real PhD thesis should look alike.
The lecturer from UCL explains what a thesis is, what it must
contain, and what it is not, what it should not contain, etc..

PhD Thesis Structure and Content
A [perfect] PhD thesis for London University/Computer Science UCL.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Is this lousy English written by the Prof. Michael Apple?

Your blogger still cannot start his day yet after seeing another comment and so he is
sharing his view now. FYI, your blogger holds a fake PhD, and he has been forging

another PhD after living close to a university town chasing skirts and occassionally
sexy boys. So when a commenter says below in that Myanmar Cupid form, he can't
stop laughing. If the email below were actually from a real professor, your humble 
blogger with fake PhD can earn PhD in English Literature. Anyone who has good 
command of English can point out grammatical and contextual errors. Go grab a 
high school English grammar text and check yourself. When you address someone, 
you follow with a comma (',') and not a column (':') and if you were a professor, you
never write such a crappy English.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Apple <>
Date: Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Zarni

Dear Mary:

I've heard from Zarni that the unethical attacks on him have continued. Zarni completed his PhD at the University of Wisconsin, Madison under my supervision. Given the political situation in Burma at the time, the thesis was rightly not placed in the open stacks of the university library because of ethical considerations regarding the protection of anonymity. The attacks on Dr. Zarni are distressing and clearly are politically motivated.

Best wishes,

Michael W. Apple
John Bascom Professor of
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Policy Studies
University of Wisconsin
225 North Mills Street
Madison, WI 53711
phone: 608-263-4592; 608-263-4661

tay:u tD;ar;vfuawmh ol h&J hazpfhbGwfcfay:rSm PhD ta,mifaqmif vkd ha0zefrIrsm;tay:NyefNyD;wkH hNyefwJhtaeeJ holh h
dissertation supervisor&J htD;ar;vf (vkd haNymwmyJ)ukdwifxm;ygw,f/taumif;qkH;uawmh ol htaeeJ htm;vkH;oHo,&Sif;oGm;atmif
'DtD;ar;vftpm; ol ha&;cJhwJh doctorate dissertation eJ h PhD certificate ukdNyvkduf&if NyD;ygNyD/
usrtaeeJ h OD;armifZmenf&J hcH,lcsuf tawG;tac:wcsdK hukdvufrcHekdifayrJhvnf; ol hukd academic wpfa,muftNzpf vufcHtodtrSwfNyKxm;vkd h'Dvkdawmftda&mftd tD;ar;vfwapmifNywmavmufeJ hawm oHo,&Sif;roGm;yg/

Found Dr. Than Tun's thesis but not Maung Zarni's!

While I am trying to find time to update this blog, I will be tardy due
to change of circumstances - your blogger is on the move. However,
your humble blogger found some links and he is sharing with you:

"University of Wisconsin-Madison ausmif;u pmMunfhwdkuf uufwavmufrSm 
&SmMunfhawmh Zmenf &JU dissertation udk rawGUyg/ aocsmatmif burma keyword  
eJU &SmMunfhawmhvJ rawGUyg/

tJ q&mqvdkif;xGef;oef; &JU emrnfeJU &SmMunfhawmh olU dissertation xGufvmoAs/ 

q&mu University of Wisconsin-Madison uae PhD &cJhygw,f/     "


Friday, 6 July 2012

The infectious "Dr." disease of faking PhD doctorates......

We fake at one point or another, on bed, in board rooms as be ourselves
is harder than faking having orgasms, acting like overachievers, ain't it?
We all hope that our acts will get unnoticed or get away with it. So we
fake! But you may not be lucky always.......
Natural News uncovers epidemic of fake doctorates from diploma mills
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of Natural

While investigating our recent story on the faked academic credentials of
a key informant in the Rawesome Foods case in California, we received a
large number of tips and documents revealing something rather astonishing:
There is an epidemic of fake diplomas across America.

The diploma mill known as "Richmonds University" appears to be cited in
hundreds of online resumes from people who have attained surprisingly high
positions in society. For example, a man named Roy David Williams managed
to acquire a fake doctorate in nuclear engineering from Richmonds University,
and he went on to be awarded government contracts based on that diploma. He
was later prosecuted for fraud....

read more at the article below:

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

An unaccredited private university in Burma?

I am still sick, not sick of cold, fever or terminal fatal illness
but sick of Burmese who are stupid and easy to manipulate.

But your humble blogger with 2 doctorates and 3 Masters is
industrious and so he tried to caught fish. He did not get any
fake PhDs but he found something relevant, he learned about
a new (surely unaccredited) private university in Burma from
the link below. Hail the almighty merciful GOOGLE search
engines, we are enlightened now with the new knowledge that
there is a new entity it calls itself as a university. It is named
as "Garunar L' Université Orientale Royale", I think in English
that might means The Royal University of Mercy in Far East.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

2 PhD dissertations vis a vis Maung Zarni's PDF file

Your blogger is not well, he is sick, sick of everything!
But he has time to search and scrutinize two real PhD
dissertations from US, UK universities and an Adobe
Acrobat file which is claimed by Maung Zarni as his
PhD dissertation.

You can say this is the "Double Entrapment Stratagem",
it is to annihilate an enemy's forces they are lured into
the trap, or a variant of the "Successive Waves" attack.

Or just an experimental design to prove/disprove a theory.
First stage is to get samples for your clean references, to
prove that PhD thesis can be found on-line and how a real
PhD dissertation can be different from a questionable one.

(I.1) Very recent UK PhD from University College London

Dynamical systems in cosmology

Chan, N (2012) Dynamical systems in cosmology.

Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London).


Get that pdf file. You don't understand one bit? That is fine,
average audience of PhD dissertation is 3 people, external
thesis advisors (in the case of British Systems), the thesis
committee (in the case of North American Universities, that
is US and Canada), and Promoting professors (in the case of
Germanic universities that include doctorates in Germany,
Austria, The Netherlands and the Scandinavian Universities).
Get that PDF in hand as it will be used for our 2 stage tactic.
Now the first part of stage 1 (I.1) completed and I.2 follows:

(I.2) Time to find 15 years old PhD thesis from UW-Madison

Search for a PhD dissertation in the field of Education,
it is about Hmong studies-Hmong people belong to a race
in South East Asian who fought for United States in Laos
and Vietnam. The title is below:

"Teaching strategies, beliefs, and behaviors of the Hmong
and general education teachers in the technical college"

Use those keywords, after a while search result came back

You can see that there exists a real PhD dissertation at
the University of Wisconsin. Now we will try to find one
more which is our popular fellow Maung Zarni. So we go
back to the search page.

We already know the title of a (fake or unexistant) PhD
dissertation (or just a pdf file) that was never written.

"Knowledge Control and Power The Politics of Education
under Burma Military Dictatorship"

Use that as keyword to find the thesis hoping it exists.

19 results came back from UW Wisconsin-Madison library
and none of them has such a thesis which Mr. Zarni claims
to have written. Do not believe yet? Then copy and paste
the whole browser request below in the navigation bar of
your browser and hit ENTER. You will get 19 books as the
result. If you can find Maung Zarni's so called thesis,
let this blogger knows.


The first stage of proving or disproving is done. Is enough?

(II) If not, then we want you to go and get the PDF file which
someone hopes that Burmese will swallow it as a PhD thesis.
Go to wikipedia entry below:

Go straight to the bottom, you will see a link leading to a
pdf file which Maung Zarni claims that his PhD dissertation.
Compare it with real PhD thesises from United States and UK.
Now you may be convinced. For us we are quite sure and that
was why we asserted!