Monday, 18 December 2017

The University Of Information Technology And Management, Rzeszów, Poland

Your blogger has learned that incumbent Yangon Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein has been conferred an honorary doctorate from an entity "University Of Information Technology And Management" which is based in Rzeszów, Poland.

Yangon PM has not bought the degree - that honorary degree does not entitle him to style himself as "Dr. Phyo Min Thein" - and so he will not be in this Hall of Shame. This journal entry is an investigative report about that entity which confers him a honorary doctorate.

A quick Google look-up has revealed that the web site of The University Of Information Technology
And Management, Rzeszów is "". Its domain name is different from the home pages of other universities in Rzeszów. The University of Rzeszów's domain name has "". Meanwhile, the site of Rzeszów University of Technology on Internet is

Polish government's Ministry of Science and Higher Education keeps web pages to inform lists of Polish universities. The "University Of Information Technology And Management" is not among the list. On the other hand, the University of Rzeszów and the Rzeszów University of Technology are in the government ministry's universities and technical universities. See below:

Therefore, while The University Of Information Technology And Management, Rzeszów may be
an educational institution, it is not listed in Polish government's ministry's home page.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Pope Francis is in Burma! Wished his holiness enjoy a pleasant stay!

Learned about pontiff's visit to Burma. Being a Burmese, I wished his holiness Pope Francis have
a pleasant experience there. God bless Burmese of all creed and long live Burman nation. Amen!

Saturday, 4 November 2017

"St Clements University" from the West Indies is a diploma mill!

Your blogger has received an email tip that a Burmese social activist has received a PhD from the St Clements University which has a registered office in Turks and Caicos Islands.
I was asked whether is it an institution that can confer recognised degrees and diplomas.

Your blogger takes his job, investigator exposing Burmese who have bought fake PhDs,
very seriously, so he did some research. Here are the unpleasant facts:

1) Turks and Caicos Islands are in British West Indies (see Wikipedia reference #1)
2) There is a private, no-campus institution self-styled as "St Clements University"
3) That "St Clements University" offers unrecognised degrees

Regarding facts #2 and 3, see aged quoted news from Times Higher Education article:

'He is also described as a professor at "St Clements University", a private "non-campus" institution registered in the West Indies that offers largely unrecognised degrees.' (2)

Above facts established that "St Clements University" from the British West Indies is a
diploma mill. Being so, that activist is qualified to be a resident of this hall of shame.
Now shaming part is done, naming will follow if your blogger will be forced to do so.


(1)  Wikipedia entry about Turks and Caicos Islands

(2) Lecturer linked to unrecognised degree-seller
October 11, 2002

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Sucking Rohingya Army terrorists who slained Hindus will not finish a PhD thesis!

ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Sadist Army) is a terrorist organisation. Now, the mass grave of Hindus who were killed by Rohingya jihadists, Islamists, are found is in news. But Zarni Maung, one of the residents of this hall of shame, seems busy claiming ARSA terrorists
are white knights as if they were spotless saints.

Come on dude! Whoring for terrorists and lobbying their cause will not complete rewriting your PhD dissertation. Has the U of Wisconsin recanted your PhD if they have handed you
a degree scroll? The fact is your so-called thesis posted on Wikipedia is found to be a plagarised one and your blogger will be surprised if they have not asked you to re-write
a dissertation. It is time to focus on completing PhD dissertation in case you want to call yourself a Doctor. PhD does not come free! Earning a PhD from an American University
is not a walk in the garden. It is a hard work and you do need some thinking brain to complete it.

Feeling angry for someone has exposed you plagiarism? Why don't you use your loud mouth to rally for all-out investigation of those innocent Burmese Hindus slaughtered by ARSA Mujaheeds, Rohingya jihadists? In case you miss the news and ability to construct timeline, let this humble blogger enlighten you. Those decaying bodies in graves were buried about a month ago. They were murdered about the same time when Burmese
police servicemen were killed by Rohingya jihadist terrorists. Hindus were murdered,
likely to be killed by ARSA Rohingya jihadists if not by just Rohingya jihadists for they
were Hindus, for not agreeing with Islamists' views, for not worshiping jihadists' deity:

The mass graves of 28 Hindus [allegedly killed by ARSA] found in Rakhine

Saturday, 16 September 2017

One of fake PhDs seems to be making money from fake refugees

Your blogger noticed one of fake PhDs seems to be making money from fake refugees!

It seems Zar Ni can't secure an academic job and so he is making some $$ from vetting
for fake refugees or economic migrants [1]. Come on, we have "Doctoral school for thesis writing by plagiarizing and bluffing based on anecdotal evidence, mumbo-jumbo chats".

Come on girl, make a honest living for once in your life time, learn to have some dignity!


Saturday, 2 September 2017

Mr. Zarni seems ignorant to the fact that Bangladesh will sink under sea and .....

Burma is facing terrorist attacks in her north-western frontier bordering Bangladesh.
In those frontier towns under crisis, majority of locals have immigrant backgrounds.
And they do have Bangladeshi ancestry and cultural affinity, linguistic similarity with
Chittagongnians in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Our man, Maung Zarni, a resident of this hall of shame, seems could not resist to
exploit this Burmese sovereign and humanitarian crisis. A real opportunist indeed!
From time to time, that attention-seeking Oxygen begger rants. Recently, he asks
the government of Bangladesh to accept refugees - self-labelled Rohingyas who are
ethnic cousins and coreligionists of Bangladeshis. Forefathers of Rohingya came to
Burma from Bangladesh. It is not their fault, borders were porous, vote banking,
voting masses mobilisation, illegal practice in Burmese parliamentary democracy
period in 1950s under Nu's government (late prime minister of U Nu of the Union
of Burma) were rampant. Burmese government has been trying to solve that issue
and UN has been involving. Su's government has been calling for collaboration of
the government of Bangladesh. Those are delicate matters need to be handled
with careful attention to detail and insight. But our bogus Doctor with a plagarised
doctorate dissertation does not seem to grasp it.

Bangladesh is also a country under perpetual crisis. It is a low-land nation, the land
of rivers. That country of Bangladesh which is one third the the size of Burma, and
yet three or four times of population of Burma, will probably sink under sea in one or
two human generations. In other words, in an epoch, Bangladesh will go under sea
with rising sea levels. The government of Bangladesh will have to plan strategically
how to mobilise 200 millions of her citizens to a new home.

Therefore, it is understandable that Bengali nation will hesitate to involve. It may
not accept Rohingyas - even for temporal refuge - who are ethnic Bengalis whose forefathers have sought shelter in Burma decades ago to come back to Bangladesh.
In layman terms, "Why you bother with neighbour, even if he is your cousin, even
he speaks same language with you, when you have your own crisis, i.e. your only
residence got threatened by rising tides?" In short, Bangladesh has a crisis at hand
to solve, it will have to relocate 200 millions of citizens within coming decades. Take
note plagiariser!

Interestingly, some of the most prominent Rohingya advocates are happened to be Bangladeshi academics who are promoting Rohingya issue. It may be co-incidence,
some of them are affiliated with Bangladeshi strategic institute.

For curious minds, read article below, it is from a blog affiliated with Science:
Bangladesh and Sea Level Rise, written by Greg Laden on April 29, 2013

One google search will lead to a full professor at the Harvard-of-Bangladesh, the
University of Dhaka, who is seen Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic
Studies (BIISS) who has promoted Rohingya issue. His name and affiliation below:

Professor Imtiaz Ahmed
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

He is, like one of those guys like late Saudi King, led to more suffering of Rohingya
community. Because of people like him, the sovereign issue of Burma, diaspora issue
for Bangladesh, a regional issue inflated into an international significance. Illegal immigration issue which could have been peacefully fixed got religious overtones.

And Zarni seems to be one of them who caused more miseries for poor Rohingyas
whose Bengali forefathers have led them to unwelcoming land of Tibeto-Burmans. 
Aslo, those Arakanese who have long shared their homeland to incoming immigrants
are suffering too. They have done nothing wrong and they are bearing the brunt of
the burden which the world community ignores. Those Arakanese who are Buddhist

and Hindu faith are suffering without advocates while at least Rohingyas have false
friends like Mr. Zarni.

Your blogger's advice to Zarni is simple, go back to desk, complete his own thesis
without stealing people's work, use less anecdotal words and narratives, research
in-depth to write a good PhD dissertation. Do us a favour, use your thinking-brain!

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Burma is under attack from militant terrorists whose ancestors were East Pakistanis

Your blogger's Burma has been under attack from the militant terrorists whose ancestors were
hailed from back then East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. See the news from the Reuters below:

At least 71 killed in Myanmar as Rohingya insurgents stage major attack

The militant muslim terrorist group, which was previously known as Harakah al-Yaqin (what
ever it means) now re-labelled as Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is sophisticated
as one could infer from its new name. That name, in your blogger's opinion, is to stealthly kick start the empathy engine of western audiences who are more likely to be Christian.
By using Christian sounding name such as "Salvation Army", those terrorists are trying to make an average western TV viewer unconsciously side with them. Had they self-styled as "Allah's Army [for seizing Burmese sovereign land]", or "Shahid (martyr) Brigade [fanatic mob who will charge at police outposts and hack Burmese civilians]", or "Jihadi Mujahids
[to steal Burmese territory]" then they could not sneak into the good books of Christians.
So I might say, the name they have taken has shed some lights about them. Smart name!

Daw Aung San Su Kyi, whom Burmese affectionately called as Aunty or Mother, should not
underestimate those land grabbers from the west.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

I am worried for the plight of airforce men and their families on flight Y8!

This blog is supposed to be an academic blog and not intended to be personal nor political. But the blogger cannot stop feeling worried for the plight of our air force servicemen and their families on that flight Y8.

Monday, 8 May 2017

The dog that chews the rug he is sleeping on!!

This blog post is to record that one of the residents of this hall of shame is busy sucking
his sponsors by protesting Daw Aung San Su Kyi. He seems to forget that he once drew
pay checks funded by Burma Prospects funded by Daw Aung San Su Kyi's Noble peace
prize money donated for the higher education of Burmese students.

A Burmese phrase for this behaviour? "The dog that chews the rug he is sleeping on!".