Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Moe Thee's testimony for intellectual capacity of Zar Ni?

Your blogger has been sick and traveling to places where Internet
access is quite rare and unreliable. However, it does not escape his
attention that Moe Thee Zun, another faker (in his case, he fakes as
a patriot) rushed to rescue Maung Zarni from the gutter. Normally
I will not waste my time on Moe Thee but since he is messing up
with me I have no choice but to return favor. This must be one of
the jokes of the century.

First, I thought of not replying any as I don't want to waste time.
My reason is that Moe Thee is not qualified to discuss this as he
has not earned or faked a PhD. Moe Thee never has written any
thesis in his life, he might have done some class assignments but
it was likely that he sought help from his buddies. I could have
stopped here but my dislike for him is pushing me to write more.
So be it, he asked for it and now he will get it.

Moe Thee is a low-class bum who is lower than fakers in pecking
order. Apart from Zarni, some of the hall of shame residents here
are achievers and they were fooled by some con-men so they paid
for degrees. But they are achievers by any standard. Even Zar Ni,
who cannot prove us that he has written a PhD thesis managed to
publish in some low ranked journals such as edited books. Editted
ones are not really peer review. For example, a professor got quick
cash to burn and he can talk to some university press for a book,
which he will serve as editor. So let's say if your specialty is "South
East Asian Studies", you can ask a chapter from anyone who can
write English, who can pass as an expert so that you can do a favour
yourself a book while contributors can boast of publication. But it is
not really peer-review, gold standard of academia.  So Moe Thee is
no where the status of any of this hall of shame residents in this blog.

Moe Thee is just a fool, anyone who was fooled by him, once close
to him know all about him. How about those who are still with him?
There is a cliche "Birds of the same feather fly together." But what
a surprise, I did not know Moe Thee can write such fluidly although
it is still grammatically incorrect and also contextually inappropriate.
I suspect someone might have written for Moe Thee for him to post
on his blog. Let it be! Who cares those intellectually impotent guys.
Yet your humble blogger was surprised that they accused Ace Boy
is a Dr. Aye Chan. No he is not! Ace Boy is more likely to be "Phyo
Win Latt", Zarni's fan. However, this is just an intellectual conjecture!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Get your (fake) PhD in 1 minute or 30 seconds

It is easy to generate a certificate as writing a thesis
is challenging. Earn yourself or give yourself a PhD
certificate in 30 seconds if you can type in and click
mouse very fast :). Help yourself see below:

Can I have a better suggestion? Try to find a university
town where a well regarded university is there. Sweep
floors, play table tennis at student union, coach beach
volley ball, tell girls that you love green peace (they
swallow it) and you save trees. Participate in any/every
thing that will make people think that you are a student.

Make friends with some white guys and girls to pose
with them in pictures on social networks like Facebook
and twit often. Stay like that, take some classes if you
can afford to pay some tuition fees, do like that at least
5/6 years and then when the graduation time arrives,
don't panic. You just arrange a graduation gown, take
a picture of yourself in it and take photos in ceremony.
Visit this site or pay more $$ to get yourself a better,
more authentically looking certificate.

Finally, just write anything, "he told me that Dr. Pooh
is important and he transformed Birmese education",
"she said that, they did this, they did that, that is it."
That is it. Fake a thesis and you are almost done!

Next, download and install the MS Word/LaTeX to
your PC, convert above file into a PDF and post it to
some of your fans' web site. is there.
Don't forget to add a Wikipedia article and make sure
you edit before someone exposes your dirty secret.

Make sure you print out the fake thesis, don't spiral
bind it, don't be a cheap bastard, but invest it nicely,
as your thesis is only worth of the hard binding fees
you paid. Claim that it is not there to protect some
poor souls inside your old home country. Icy cool?
Now you learn it. Call yourself Dr. Maung Charlie.

Perhaps I can earn a real PhD by writing a PhD thesis
about fakers.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Faker Maung Zarni who forged PhD is exposed for...

This humble blogger has received accusations from
Zarni's fans that Maung Zarni is named and shamed
for his support for Rohingyars (self-styled invented
name of an ethnic race in northern Arakan, Burma).

No that is not true, he is exposed for we could not
find his thesis at his alma mater, from which he has
possibly dropped out without completing a thesis.

We have found an Adobe Acrobat file from a site,
hosted by one of his clients at Pyin Nya (education)
web site at URL But for
your humble blogger cannot be easily fooled to take
a pdf file as a thesis for it does not contain any hints
of intellectual analysis worthy of a bachelor thesis.
Hence we challenged Maung Zarni that send us his 
real PhD dissertation to convince us so that we will 
remove him from this hall of shame. And we will 
even give public apology to him for accusing him
that we have wrongly accused him.

But till now, we believe that Mr. Zarni did not earn 
a PhD as he claimed. His pdf file is crap. Any fool
can write that. If that were a PhD thesis, we think 
any of the readers here can also earn PhD from the
University of Wisconsin at a little town "Madison". 

Let us repeat this is an academic blog, this blog is
and was created to prevent fakers from messing up 
our motherland's higher education. We are not here 
for political campaign or hubris. We are honest and
we are simple folks. Send us your thesis or show us
your campus, your name will be removed. But till
now, we stick to our guns and we stand by with our