awake at nights worrying for research, dissertation and papers, licked ego-bruising wounds,
swallowed pride, occasionally faced rejections, drifted hopelessly in uncertainties, sighed
seriously at thin wallets and drained bank accounts, supplemented meager stipends with
part-time, quarreled with supporting wives, felt sorrow for not being able to provide, gotten
sick with peers and professors, worried for future job prospects, just for a degree, a three
letter word with some dots. Yes we have suffered all those hardships along the pursuits of
terminal and doctoral degrees at postgraduate schools.
By doing so, we learned the trade, we observed the tricks, we think we can spot the dust in
the sleek operators, snake oil dealing fakers whom we name and shame in this humble blog.
Dr. Nyein Chan is one such person. Below is his statement (in his own words) why does he
think that Maung Zar Ni is faking his PhD. Of course, we do know some supervisors have
vetted their candidates unworthy for a PhD degree the right to call themselves Dr." So will
our sufferings become all for nothing, no way! This blog is born to name and shame fakers.
Without further ado, I present Dr. Nyein Chan to present research findings and conclusions.
'Dear Sirs and Madams,
I am Dr Nyein Chan. I write to you regarding the PhD thesis of Mr Maung Zarni (or Dr Zarni
has he prefers to be called). In particular, I am referring to this person:
I understand that it has been confirmed by the University of Wisconsin at Madison that Maung
Zarni has indeed been awarded with a PhD. This still does not stop me from investigating further.
I hereby make you known that I genuinely, seriously and honestly have doubts in the academic authenticity and legitimacy of Zarni's PhD thesis for reasons stated below.
Firstly, his so-called PhD thesis can be found at
unless someone immediately removes after this email. (I have a copy on my computer)
Secondly, I checked it using SafeAssign Software (plagiarism detection software) by Blackboard.
It is similar to popular "Turnitin" software. The report from the software tells that 90% of the contents are suspected of plagiarism. A part of the report can be found at this link
Thirdly, whilst I am no expert in the field of topics contained in the document so-called PhD thesis
of Zarni, as someone who has done a PhD successfully at a top British University, I feel authorised
to state my OPINION having personally read the document believed to be a thesis that
1. his PhD thesis is not in an appropriate format
2. the language and the style is not up to the PhD level
3. I found no critical analysis or argument to draw an intellectual conclusion
Most or all of you have done a PhD. Please read it and tell me it is worthy of a PhD!!!!
If the document I am referring to at
Finally, my email may or may not be POLITICALLY-MOTIVATED. However, everything I stated is what I seriously and honestly believe out of my own investigation and are mere opinions. There are NO FABRICATIONS. My motivation, however, MUST NOT give immunity to Maung Zarni from escaping punishment should he have committed plagiarism. Whether Maung Zarni committed plagiarism or not is INDEPENDENT of my political motivation, and is also independent of my personal like and dislike of him.
If you can clarify my doubts against each of the above mentioned points/reasons, I will apologise Maung Zarni.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Nyein Chan
Lecturer in Mathematics'
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