The United States International University is a diploma mill for it is not accredited.
Therefore anyone who claims to hold a PhD from there is a fake. If that faker is in
the faculty of a PhD program then PhDs trained there are likely to be sub-par PhDs,
only a little better than a fake or worse for being copies of the fake.
Your humble blogger is talking about the faculty of the Assumption University in
Bangkok, Thailand. See the list of tutors and mentors for PhD in Organizational
Development (PhD.O.D) in the brochure below:
Readers might wonder, why a Thai university's faculty and PhD program sparked the
interest of this very Burmese scholastic blog? Your humble blogger is interested in it
because that Assumption University is offering that PhD.O.D to Burmese in Burma.
Using inductive reasoning based on facts we have, it is not possible to assert that it is
a fake PhD program. But it is a sub-par program for the following reasons:
[1] Its entry requirement are too lax.
There is a common wisdom that says this, "garbage in garbage out", so if entry bars
are set too low, if there is no stringent requirements, the output will more likely to be
sub-par - and and sub-par product is only as good as fake.
[2] Its graduation requirements are not rigorous, check the graduation requirements
in general. Attending two conferences is one of the graduation requirements, and
that item alone should have raise the intellectual alarms in any seasoned scholar.
[3] Its process is not reflective of a reputable PhD program, meaning not impressive:
Earning a PhD is a process, not only the product,that is the thesis and research papers
in prestigious journals, but the process counts. A good PhD program can transform a
twenty something into a competent researcher, a balanced reasoner and a trust-worthy
reporter of results. That is what research is about. You started with a question and you
improvise methods and designs experiments to gather facts, based on facts, analysis
are made, inductive or deductive reasoning and conclusions are made and those are
written down into a thick book called thesis.
Why this blogger says so is because there are two grammatical errors in one single
sentence in the graduation requirements. See Item 5 to spot no less than 5 errors!!!
The conclusion is that it is a sub-par degree, good enough for a taught or research
Master degree from a university in Thailand. It may make honest faculty members
of PhD programs in more reputable Thai universities feel shame.
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