Wednesday, 23 March 2016

U Than Myint, a Burmese MP, bought his fake PhD!

Bogus doctor-ed Dr. Than Myint, the federal minister of the union
of Myanmar for the ministry of commerce nominee, an elected NLD
MP, might have paid 2500$ or less for his fake PhD from the Pacific
Western University.  The Pacific Western University is a diploma mill.
Read the US government report(GAO-04-771T), the extract below:

'........... diploma mills and other unaccredited schools modify their
billing practices so students can obtain payments for degrees by the
federal government. Purporting to be a prospective student, our
investigator placed telephone calls to three schools that award
academic credits based on life experience and require no classroom
instruction: Barrington University (Mobile, Alabama); Lacrosse
University (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi); and Pacific Western University
(Los Angeles, California). These schools each charge a flat fee for a
degree. For example, fees for degrees for domestic students at Pacific
Western University[where Mr. Than Myint has bought his fake PhD]
are as follows: Bachelor of Science ($2,295); Master's Degree in
Business Administration ($2,395); and PhD ($2,595). ......'

GAO-04-771T, 'Diploma Mills: Federal Employees Have Obtained Degrees
from Diploma Mills and Other Unaccredited Schools, Some at Government
Expense', May 11, 2004,

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