Friday 18 May 2012

ABD, an unfinished PhD and Alternatica Medicina

This blog show cases a few prominent Burmese unfortunately for wrong reasons.
Some of them are here for they did not complete (no thesis) their PhD pursuits.
Some of them are here for buying degree certificates from diploma mills such as
degree for life experience, degree for five thousand dollars. Some are here for
their degrees are from non-universities for disciplines are Alternatica Medicina
or in Astrology unfortunately non-western university or any serious African or
Asian university those emulate western university model offer higher degrees in
those disciplines. So unless you define The University of Char Par Ti university
that offers PhD in Alternatica Medicina and Astrology then you create another
blog to counter us. That is fine with us. But here, higher education qualifications
degrees are limited to western universities or universities those emulate western  
universities, University of Yangon began its life as University College Rangoon
which is the hybrid model of residential colleges of Oxbridge and commuter
colleges of University College London which is under University of London.
The medical education in Burma is not modeled after Alternatica Medicina
but western medicine. That means if you are pursuing MBBS at University
of Medicine 1, that is you are following a western education leading to a
degree from an Asian university that imitates the western model of what a
university is and what undergraduate higher degrees it can offer to students.
In other words, a self-respecting university will never offer bachelor degree
programs in Alternative Medicine or Traditional Medicine. This Latin name
Alternatica Medicina means Alternative Medicine in English. For this reason,
if your PhD is Alternatica Medicina then you are here.

For those who cannot show their PhD thesis, not a crappy Adobe pdf file,
you are here not because we don't appreciate what you have learn from
your half-way PhD drop-out qualification. But you are just an ABD and
you are not allowed to call yourself a "Dr.". So that is why you are here.

Show me real thesis for fakers, show me respectable campus for fakers,
then I will delete you from this list. Those who have bought fake diplomas,
I think you have already achieved a lot, and if I were you I would tear off
those papers which are worth less than toilet papers. For those who had
spent 5 years in a campus but leaving without a degree, I suggest you to
earn some real PhD again.

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