Monday 9 July 2012

Is this lousy English written by the Prof. Michael Apple?

Your blogger still cannot start his day yet after seeing another comment and so he is
sharing his view now. FYI, your blogger holds a fake PhD, and he has been forging

another PhD after living close to a university town chasing skirts and occassionally
sexy boys. So when a commenter says below in that Myanmar Cupid form, he can't
stop laughing. If the email below were actually from a real professor, your humble 
blogger with fake PhD can earn PhD in English Literature. Anyone who has good 
command of English can point out grammatical and contextual errors. Go grab a 
high school English grammar text and check yourself. When you address someone, 
you follow with a comma (',') and not a column (':') and if you were a professor, you
never write such a crappy English.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Apple <>
Date: Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Zarni

Dear Mary:

I've heard from Zarni that the unethical attacks on him have continued. Zarni completed his PhD at the University of Wisconsin, Madison under my supervision. Given the political situation in Burma at the time, the thesis was rightly not placed in the open stacks of the university library because of ethical considerations regarding the protection of anonymity. The attacks on Dr. Zarni are distressing and clearly are politically motivated.

Best wishes,

Michael W. Apple
John Bascom Professor of
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Policy Studies
University of Wisconsin
225 North Mills Street
Madison, WI 53711
phone: 608-263-4592; 608-263-4661

tay:u tD;ar;vfuawmh ol h&J hazpfhbGwfcfay:rSm PhD ta,mifaqmif vkd ha0zefrIrsm;tay:NyefNyD;wkH hNyefwJhtaeeJ holh h
dissertation supervisor&J htD;ar;vf (vkd haNymwmyJ)ukdwifxm;ygw,f/taumif;qkH;uawmh ol htaeeJ htm;vkH;oHo,&Sif;oGm;atmif
'DtD;ar;vftpm; ol ha&;cJhwJh doctorate dissertation eJ h PhD certificate ukdNyvkduf&if NyD;ygNyD/
usrtaeeJ h OD;armifZmenf&J hcH,lcsuf tawG;tac:wcsdK hukdvufrcHekdifayrJhvnf; ol hukd academic wpfa,muftNzpf vufcHtodtrSwfNyKxm;vkd h'Dvkdawmftda&mftd tD;ar;vfwapmifNywmavmufeJ hawm oHo,&Sif;roGm;yg/

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