Tuesday 13 November 2012

Sometimes smart young people make mistakes too!

An on-line friend of mine, an Arakanese who descended from the long line of Rakhines who have fought and paid their dues for Burma asked me why Dr. Nyein Chan, who earned PhD from UCL
at a young age of 26 made the YouTube video aimed Daw Aung San Su Kyi, our leader!

He lamented why Dr. Nyein Chan, has done that, made the Myanmar Express guy (from Canada)
happy and made us confused. So even your humble blogger is busy, he has asked Dr. Nyein Chan
why has he made Zar Ni's patron (sponsor) or client (sucker)  MBBS physcian Doctor - he is a physician so he is addressed as a dr. for courtesy - Ko Ko Gyi (who graduated from the University
of Medicine 2, Myanmar yet he is trying to bite our hands those educated him) delighted!

But Dr. Nyein Chan is a nice guy, he may be young but mature enough to confess when he did something wrong. His reply as follows in his own words:

"Thanks for forwarding this information and your advice. This time I made an error in my judgement. After all, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is a fellow citizen and I agree that she has done so much to restore democracy in our country. I was very upset with her attitude towards current Rakhine issue. In any case, I agree that I should not direct my attacks to her. I feel and believe that we, Myanmars, should be united especially at this time when we are facing foreign invasion and international pressure. I will behave next time. Meanwhile, apologies to you if you were offended by my video."

I think it is part of maturing process, young and smart people take from intelligent and educated to become wise. I hope this blog post will make both my friend and Dr. Nyein Chan happy. We all make mistakes! Don't we? 

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