Monday 9 January 2012

Why bother with fakers? Why expose forgers?

Why am I exposing fakes? Why do I care?
Because unless this disease is stopped and
eliminated, Burma will be infested with such
and such fakers (who claim they have earned
PhDs) and forgers (who bought PhDs).

Imagine forgers and fakers are in prominent
positions such as National Institute Of Health,
then PhD with Alternative Medicine will start
promoting their quack medicine and practices,
and some people will lose lives as they will no
longer receive proper medical care.

If faker Doctor in charge of higher education,
then Burma will have shitty universities and
university systems. When past genuine PhDs
have not managed to rise our education, one
does not need imagination when self-styled
PhD is in the driver seat or even consultant
role in higher education.

Imagine a forger historian with a 200$ PhD
is in charge of National History Commission,
then he will suggest Burmese in Thailand to
be regarded as "Yodayajar" ethnic group and
migrant Chittagongians as true-blue Burmese
ethnic race.

IMNVHO (In My Not Very Humble Opinion),
all fools, forgers and fakers are to be exposed,
named and shamed regardless of gender, race,
politicial role, revolutionary credentials, faith,
age or whatever. The whistles must be blown.
Exposing is not fun, the life of whistle blower
is alike a rape victim, she did not do anything
wrong but she should not let the world know
that she is doing the right thing so that rapists
will not get away with their crimes. Forgeries,
fake degrees and fooling others may not be
capital crimes but it is better to get rid of this
shitty practice before it will get rooted in my

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